Canada Nature 加純牌
Catalog 產品小冊子
Bill Natural Sources is a well-established Canada manufacturer of natural health and beauty products. We offer quality natural health products, dietary supplements and skincare products to meet the demands of valued customers. Our strength lies in the combination of technical expertise, research and development, effective customer service, and commitment to the success of our customers.
We are GMP certified and site licensed and we are dedicated to creating premium quality products and providing excellent customer service. Our mission is to optimize customer benefits by bringing them premium quality products.
Our natural health supplement line Bill Natural Sources includes concentrated liquid extracts, tablets, gelatin capsules, granules, and tea bags. Our sophisticated line of natural skin care products, FAEM Skin is specially formulated by our team of skin care specialists using unique and effective ingredients to create a line of products that will keep you looking younger and more beautiful.
康加美天然營養補充品自設製藥廠房加美科研製藥有限公司 (Bill Beauty & Health Products Ltd.) 位於天然資源豐富的加拿大安大略省,潛心研製天然保健及健康食品及護膚品,將優質天然植物和生物精華,結合成健康生活理念推介給所有家庭,令您和家人均得到純自然的保護。
加美科研製藥是加拿大本土極具規模和實力,並獲加拿大衛生部 (Health Canada) 認證和授權的GMP(良好生產規範) 的保健食品及護膚品裝造厰,龎大及嚴格監控温度的廠房,保障了原材料品質穩定。 加美科研製藥的技術團隊也日益壯大,除網羅本地醫藥系精英研製特殊配方外,更重金投資設備精良的藥品檢驗實驗室,對每一批産品的成份、劑量進行嚴格檢測分析,建立質量追踪回收系統,絕對符合加拿大衛生部藥物監管要求,所有產品經審批後被頒發NPN天然保健產品編號,品質安全可靠。